April 20th


And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil...Then He said to her, Your sins are forgiven...Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.' Luke 7:37-38,48,50

I hope that you can relate to the woman in these verses. Her story starts out pretty bleak. All we know about her is that she was a sinner, and everyone in town knew it.

But that's not the most important thing about this woman. The most important thing is that her heart was broken over her sin. How do we know? We know because as soon as she knew where to find Jesus, she invited herself to the party and gave everything she had to Him. Quite likely, she had given everything she had to many men, but this was different. This was deeper. This was not an offering of her body as she had given to others; this was an offering of her heart, her soul, and her very life.

When she knew where to find Jesus, she took the only thing of value she had and poured it out on Him. She wept tears of loving repentance to wash His feet and then dried them with her hair. She humbled herself, dirtying her own hair so that His feet could be clean, knowing that as soon as he walked into the dusty street they would be dirty again. She kissed His feet with kisses of pure innocence and love.

She sought nothing from Him, but in offering everything, she received more than she gave. She received forgiveness. She received wholeness. She received a brand new start, a new life, and an opportunity for a new reputation.

This is why I hope you can relate to this woman. Have you recognized your need for Jesus and offered yourself to Him?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

I love You! I need You and I offer You everything I have! I lay myself at Your feet. Please forgive me and help me to live a life that is different because it belongs to You.


Horizon Church
April 19th

The Crowd at the Crossroads

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you are disqualified. 2 Corinthians 13:5

It's one of the saddest things I hear from time to time-that many people will fall short of Heaven by twelve inches, the distance between your head and your heart.

See, many people learn about Jesus intellectually, but fail to gain that emotional connec-

tion with Jesus that we all need. Other people stir themselves into a frenzy emotionally, but don't even remember who they're singing about.

I have three words for us today that can help you ensure that you don't fall short of Heaven, but don't jump to conclusions here, because they are not the three words you think they might be.

You might think the three words are, God loves me. No doubt that these are three wonderful words, but knowing that God loves you will not get you to Heaven. After all, He loves everyone, but not everyone's going to Heaven.

Or they might be, Yes, I believe, but those don't cut it either. Demons believe in God, too, but we certainly won't find them in Heaven.

How about, Christ close by? Nope, not this one either. If Christ is just close by, then it's close, but no cigar.

Maybe Christ on cross will work. Well, it actually doesn't, because it's like, Well, that's nice that you know Christ died on the cross and wear that little piece of gold around your neck, but I see no evidence of your faith in your life.

Let's try, Christ forgives sin. Yep, you're right; He does forgive sin. And? What about it?

Oh, I know, the three words must be, He is risen, right? Wrong. Many, many people have seen the empty tomb in Jerusalem, but they still aren't heading to Heaven.

Jesus is Lord, that must be it! Again, it's good, but it's just another doctrinal, theological point that we could discuss and debate without any change taking place in our lives.

So what are those three words? I'll tell you. The three words are, Christ in you. That's it. You can take all the rest of these words and they're all nice things to know, great things to believe and to have learned, but until Christ is in you then none of it matters.

Is Christ in you? I hope that He is today, because there's nothing sadder to Him than someone who misses Heaven by twelve inches.

Prayer Jesus Christ,

Thank You so much for all I have learned about You, and thank You even more for teaching me today that none of those are enough. Please come in me today and change my life now and for eternity!


Horizon Church
April 18th

Fender Mender

There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:24-25

Would you consider yourself to be a generous person? My guess is that you probably do, but I want to provide a definition of what generosity really is because being generous is the key to you having all you need.

We think about generosity as something that's a luxury for those who have more than enough. Giving is something that's good for all of us to do, perhaps, but it's easy for people whose bank accounts are overflowing already. But for the rest of us who have to watch our finances more carefully, perhaps generosity is a luxury we cannot afford.

That's kind of an ugly way to say it, but I wonder if that is really the way most of us think about being generous. If it is the way you think, then you need to renew your mind to line up with what the Word of God says.

Read the verses for today. This is wisdom coming from Solomon, the wisest man to ever walk the face of the earth who also happened to be one of the richest kings in history. He figured out a thing or two where money is concerned, so we can learn from him.

He says that you have to sow seed to reap a harvest, and the more seed you sow, the bigger the harvest you reap. Scatter your seed, he says, and, be generous in many areas. But then comes the promise: The person who does this increases all the more. This means he receives more than he gave!

This is a spiritual principle. When we take care of other people instead of selfishly watching out for our own interests, then we end up better off than we ever would have been by ourselves. This does not mean that we bankrupt ourselves in the name of faith or generosity. No, we still need to be responsible. However, let us not confuse responsibility with stinginess. After all, our futures depend on our being generous now.

Prayer Father God,

Thank You that You are the provider of all that I need! Teach me to trust You with my finances and give me wisdom to know how to be generous.


Horizon Church
April 17th

The Ultimate Purpose and Power of the Cross

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

What do you think about the cross? Have you ever really thought about it?

Have you looked at your golden necklace and realized that you are wearing an instrument of torture and death around your neck? Have you seen the cross on the church steeples around town and remembered that it used to be a rated R-level scene of horror, gore, violence, and death-only it wasn't a movie; it was a very real, public display of capital punishment?

When you think of it this way, why on earth would we wear cross jewelry or erect crosses on church buildings? It is because the message of the cross is the power of God to us who are being saved.

Where the world sees weakness, we see strength. Where the world sees utter defeat, we see complete victory. And perhaps most of all, where the world sees foolishness, we see wisdom.

We see the wisdom of Christ Jesus, by all appearances wasting His life on wretched sinners, but in reality saving for Himself a new breed of children of God who will one day be His bride. We see His wisdom in emptying Himself, not holding on to what was rightfully His, yet then being given the name above all names so that at His name every knee in all of creation will bow before Him (Philippians 2:5-10).

The reality of the cross can only be one thing for us-either foolishness or power. Either it will be foolish and you will still think you need to force your own way through life, taking what is rightfully yours and insisting on your own way in this dog eat dog world. Or you will see the power of the cross, receive the free gift of life that Jesus provided, and trust Him to make your way for you throughout your time on earth.

Foolishness or power. Self-seeking or God-seeking. Self-establishing or God-trusting. Oh, and don't forget this one-perishing or being saved.

This is the choice set before us today and we can only choose one way. What will the cross mean to you today?

Prayer Lord Jesus,

I recognize that I desperately need saved, and I gladly receive the cross as the power for salvation in my life! Please fill me with this amazing power, with Your wisdom, and help me to follow Your example.


Horizon Church
April 16th

Choose Your Glue

For I determined to not know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2

You know, the message of the cross just doesn't fly with the world. It doesn't fly with the world because it flies in the face of everything the world loves.

For those of us who believe in Jesus, however, we have no other choice but to embrace the message of the cross, no matter what the world thinks about it. Wherever we go in the world, if we mention Christ and the cross, there will be a knee-jerk reaction, but we should just expect it because the message of the cross is offensive to the world.

They don't understand it, not one part of it. They're all out there, trying to cram their message of self down our throats. Cars, houses, wealth, money, beauty, youth, sex, power, intelligence, fame, fun-these are the things the world says will fix the pain, solve the problems, and fill the void in our hearts.

All of these things point to pleasure and entertainment that can only temporarily distract us from the internal mess of our hearts, but none of them have the power to heal us. Only the cross, that terrible symbol of death and pain and suffering-everything the world hates-holds the secret key to our salvation. Only the cross held Jesus Christ, where He carried our sins, hurts, and failures upon Himself.

Jesus taught that the way of destruction would be wide, that it would be pretty and paved and easy to follow. But He also taught that the way to salvation would be narrow, rough, difficult, and ugly.

The world is preaching a gospel that's really easy to follow. It's pretty. It's appealing. It entices and seduces and promises pleasure. But one thing it doesn't do is deliver on its promises, because it leads to destruction.

The gospel of Christ crucified is an ugly door that makes the world wretch to look at it. It's a blood-stained, gruesome picture of torture and death. But for those who embrace it and walk through it, the cross is healing, wholeness, and life everlasting in Jesus Christ.

The world might not understand, but we have no other message. We preach Christ, and Him crucified.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for hanging and dying on the cross for me! No matter what the world thinks about You, or about me for believing in You, You are my only hope and I trust in You. I give You all the problems of my heart; please give me everything You purchased on the cross!


Horizon Church
April 15th

Rethinking Rebellion

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2

There is a rebellion that is good. It is a rebellion against the culture around us that wants to sweep us up and carry us away from Christ Jesus.

Many people in our culture want to believe that they live for themselves, worshiping nothing and serving no one. Others deceive themselves into thinking that they have found their own way to Enlightenment.

The truth is that all people have sold themselves to one cause or another. Countless businesspeople serve money and the bottom line. Environmentalists sacrifice themselves for the sake of nature. Many politicians surrender ethics to gain money and power.

Our call is to not be conformed to this image that we see all around us. We belong to God, and our duty is to present ourselves to Him as a whole and living sacrifice. Becoming a sacrifice means that there is nothing that we get to keep for ourselves. Our lives belong to God for Him to use as He sees fit.

We do not think like the world anymore. Instead, we renew our minds to think about the will of God. The word re-new means to make it new again and again as often as needed. Whenever we find ourselves thinking in a way that does not line up with God's will, we need to re-new our minds.

Then we will no longer be conformed to the culture around us, rather we will be transforming the culture around us.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You that You have a good, acceptable, and perfect will for me! Teach me to renew my mind so that I can follow Your will in everything I do.


Horizon Church
April 14th

This Changes Everything

And He said to them, Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.' Luke 24:38-39

Idon't care how manly any man says he is, we all need some touching moments sometimes. The disciples were certainly in need of a touching moment in the context where our verses come from today. They had just watched Jesus die, but in the course of that day, several of them had seen Him. They had just been sharing their stories with each other, trying to figure out what in the world was really happening, when Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst. It's like, Hey, we were just talking about You, and Jesus just shows up. So now all of them can see Him as plainly as ever, but they still doubted, thinking that He must just be a ghost. So He proved Himself to them by having them touch Him, and when that touching experience didn't satisfy them, He asked them for some food. He ate the food in front of them to prove again that He really was alive, resurrected in His glorified body that will last forever. As you read this today, do you have doubts about whether Jesus really lived, died, and physically rose again? Do you have some fears about what's going on in your life? Well, these are the very things that Jesus appeared to prove to the disciples.

First, He appeared to remove fear. He replaced it with His shalom peace, calming their fears as He had calmed the storms.

Second, He appeared to remove all doubt. He invited them to be personal with Him,

voluntarily giving Himself to them for them to touch Him and see for themselves that He really was alive.

Third, He appeared to remove all their gloom. They had been hiding away behind locked doors, but when He appeared, they were filled with joy.

Fourth, He appeared to remove all loneliness. Even in groups, people often feel lonely. But in eating with them He opened up a new level of fellowship and relationship.

Everything changed for the disciples in one brief, touching moment. Whatever needs to change for you, all you need is just a touching moment with Jesus.

Prayer Lord Jesus,

Thank You for letting the disciples touch You. I really need to touch You today and be touched by You! I know that one touch will change me forever, so please come and touch me today!


Horizon Church